Uit die Kantoor / From the Office


Dit is met groot dankbaarheid en opgewondenheid dat ek alle Charlies vriendelik groet. In die eerste plek is ek dankbaar vir die geleentheid en voorreg om eersdaags deel te word van die Charlie Hofmeyr span. Tweedens is ek regtig opgewonde oor die toekoms en om saam te werk tot voordeel van Charlie Hofmeyr.

It is with sincere gratitude and excitement that I friendly greet all the Charlies. In the first place I am really grateful for the opportunity and privilege to become part of the Charlie Hofmeyr team in the near future. Secondly, I am really excited about the future and to be able to work together for the benefit of Charlie Hofmeyr.

My droom is dat ons saam kan voortbou, op die baie goeie fondasies wat reeds gelê is, om van Charlie Hofmeyr net nog meer ‘n skool van uitnemendheid te maak. Hierdie droom kan net verwensenlik word as ons altyd in beste belang van ons kinders, ouers, personeel en gemeenskap optree. Ons moet aanhou droom, hoop, vertrou en werk om die beste geleenthede vir almal betrokke by Charlies te bied. Om ‘n waardegedrewe skool te wees wat aanhou strewe om te verbeter in akademie, sport, kultuur en etos is ‘n spanpoging. Daarom is goeie verhoudinge en ‘n gedeelde visie van alle rolspelers so belangrik.

My dream is that we can build together on the existing solid foundations to make Charlie Hofmeyr even more a school of excellence. This dream can only by achieved if all of us act in the best interest of our children, parents, staff and the community. We must continue to dream, hope, trust and word to ensure the best for everyone associated with Charlies. In order to be a value driven school that constantly strives to improve in academics, sport, culture and ethos we have work as a team. That is why healthy relationships and a common goal is so important for all the stakeholders.

Ons skool se leuse van sterk in jou saak, maar sag in jou manier is ‘n gedagte wat baie sterk by my resoneer. Vir my is my identiteit gesetel in my Skepper en ek glo die lewe kry eers werklik sin as ‘n mens leer om te gee. Ek wil graag ‘n positiewe verskil in ander mense se lewens maak en gevolglik het ‘n droom vir my net betekenis as dit ander mense ook laat droom. Die span se belange is altyd meer werd as die individu se belange. En laastens glo ek dat ‘n mens ‘n lewenslange student moet bly wat aanhou leer en groei.

Our school’s motto of being firm in action, but gentle in manner is an ideal that resonates strongly with me. My identity is found in my Creator and I truly believe that life only has meaning when one learns to give. I really want to make a positive difference in other people’s lives and therefore a dream has only meaning for me when it inspires others to also dream. The team’s best interest is always more important than the interest of the individual. Lastly, I believe that one should stay a lifelong student who continues to learn and grow.

Mag ons as ‘n Charlie Hofmeyr span ‘n geseënde seisoen saam beleef!

May we as a Charlie Hofmeyr team have a blessed season together!

Vriendelike groete / Kind regards

Danie le Roux